Body Contouring
Who are good candidates?
Each body is different, and the best way to find out whether you’re a good candidate for nonsurgical body contouring is to talk to us. We will help you decide which treatment is best for your individual needs and expectations.
Non-invasive treatments are appropriate when invasive treatments are not an option. This treatment is successful for excess fat removal and body contouring with proper patient expectations and following appropriate guidelines prescribed by the doctor.
Our research has been based on 12 treatments for optimal results. Some patients may require more treatments, some patients may require fewer. Individual results may vary.
Who are NOT Good Body Contouring Candidates?
Patients with unrealistic expectations regarding the outcome of the procedure are not good candidates for non-invasive treatments. Likewise, people who regard non-invasive removal of excess fat as a substitute for proper diet and exercise also are not good candidates.